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b.操作者在作业中,应按规定对下列各项作业鸣铃报警。 ①起升、降落重物;开动大、小车行驶时。 ②起重机行驶在视线不清楚通过时,要连续鸣铃报警; ③起重机行驶接近跨内另一起重机时。 ④吊运重物接近人员时。
④吊物上有人或有其它浮放物品不吊; ⑤抱闸或其它制动安全装置失灵不吊; ⑥行车吊挂重物直接进行加工时不吊;
⑦歪拉斜挂不吊; ⑧具有爆炸性物件不吊;⑨埋在地下物件不拔吊;⑩带棱角块口物件、未垫好不吊;


c. 做好交接班工作。

Of the goods

Double beam crane


Double beam bridge crane is the modern industrial production and lifting transportation realize mechanization, automation of production process in the important tools and equipment. So the double beam bridge crane in indoor and outdoor industrial and mining enterprises, steel chemical, railway transportation, ports and logistics departments and establishments are widely used.

Operating procedures

A. each class lifting heavy objects for the first time (or load reaches maximum weight), should be after hanging from the ground 0.5 meters high, restore the weight down, check the brake performance, after confirmation and reliable, and then to normal operation.

B. the operator in the operation should, in accordance with the provisions of the following assignments ring the police. Hoisting, landing weight; To start the big, the car driving. (2) crane running in the line of sight not clear through the continuous ring alarm; (3) crane traveling close to cross inside another crane. (4) when lifting heavy objects close to the staff.

C. in the operation of the operation command signal should be according to the unified regulations.

D. work suddenly loses power, should put all the controller handles at "zero", should check whether the crane operation is normal before back to work.

C. large crane, the car in normal operation, it is forbidden to drive the car parking brake. Transformation, the car movement direction, handle must be placed in the "zero", make the agency after completely shut down, can reverse driving.

D. have two hook of the crane, in the main, deputy clasps in time and two highly similar, main, secondary hook must be both individual operation and to avoid a collision of two hooks.

E. two crane hook is allowed to hook hanging two items at the same time; Don't work to adjust the lifting mechanism under the condition of the brake.

F. is allowed to use limit position limiter parking, in under the condition of load adjustment is not lifting mechanism brake.

G. strictly enforce the system of the "ten don't hanging" :

(1) the command signal is unknown or disorderly command not mourn; (2) more than the rated lifting weight without hanging; (3) sling used unreasonable or objects bound to hang not firm not hanging;

(4) hanging on someone or have other floating put items not mourn; (5) the brake or other braking safety device failure not mourn; 6 the hang of driving the weight directly processed without hanging;

7 slanting pull hang on don't mourn; Today is an object not mourn; Pet-name ruby buried objects don't pull out hanging; Attending with angular pieces of objects, not mat not hanging;

H. if discovery is unusual, stop immediately, check the reason and ruled out in time.

After the work

A. to hook up to a certain height, the cart and the car parked in the designated position, the controller handles placed in the "zero"; Down protection case switch handle, cut off power supply.

B. for routine maintenance.

C. to do a good job of succession.
